Friday, September 21, 2007

AAPEX in the University Classroom and more

I am delighted to learn and share that works by three of the writers on The African American Playwrights Exchange are being taught by Dr. Alan Woods in one of his courses at Ohio State University.

Again, I encourage everyone to get your plays in to the AAPEX archives at Ohio State. If you need more information on this, please contact me. Following is portions of his email to me:

Yes--I'm using them in a course; also two of Owa's, and one of Judy Juanita's. The course is an introduction to theatre for honors students through primary sources--each student is assigned a play, and then reconstructs how the play was written/shopped/produced/received as a way of learning about theatre production. The students are also organized into theatre companies and then have to promote their seasons. Many more details at
Alan Woods Director,
Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute
The Ohio State University
1430 Lincoln Tower1800 Cannon Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1230
614/292-6614 vox office 614/688-8417 FAX office

Congratulations to

Jamal Williams whose reading of his play MISS LAURA MAE OF HARLEM played to over 100 folks in The Ellington Room of Manhattan Plaza, NYC on Monday, September 17 and to Tobi Kanter and Andrea Andreasakis for hosting the reading.

Onward & Upward

Jaz Dorsey
The African American Playwrights Exchange

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