The Drama Dept. presents the world premiere of The City of Lost Dreams written by acclaimed playwright Glenn Alan and directed by Cody Jones at THEARC Theatre, 1901 Mississippi Avenue , SE Washington , DC , November, 1 - 4, 2007. Show times: 7:30pm Thursday - Saturday, with special matinees on Friday November 2nd at 10:00am, Saturday, November 3rd at 3:30pm and Sunday, November 4th at 2:30pm.
The City of Lost Dreams is an incredible story, depicting the overwhelming strength of a family, whose lives are held together by the single dream of a young son. Inspired by the true story of Tray Chaney, star of HBO's "The Wire" and 8 time winner of Amateur Night at the Apollo, is an unforgettable story of what happens to the dreams that are abandoned. Playwright Glenn Alan takes us on an often humorous journey that is sure to be hit for the entire family. Director Cody Jones, Artistic Director for "That's Entertainment Productions" does an incredible job of shaping this unforgettable story with just the right amount of honesty to deliver a masterful performance. Original music by legendary blues bassist B.T. Richardson and jazz great Denyse Pearson add just the right touch to make this production standup and deliver a fun filled night.
Ticket Prices: $12.50 for children & $26.50 for adults. For Tickets call: (800) 595-4TIX (4849) or visit
Location: THEARC Theatre, 1901 Mississippi Avenue, SE Washington , DC .
Performance Dates: November, 1 - 4, 2007. 7:30pm Thursday - Saturday, with special matinees on Friday November 2nd at 10:00am, Saturday, November 3rd at 3:30pm and Sunday, November 4th at 2:30pm.
This play is absolutely PHENOMENAL!!! If you were considering purchasing tickets to see this AWESOME play, don't hesitate.