Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Theodore Ward Prize/Call for African-American Playwrights
Deadline: December 1, 2008. The annual playwriting contest sponsored by Columbia College Chicago Theater Center. Nationally acclaimed for recognizing the outstanding individual accomplishments of African-American playwrights, along with their growing importance to the shape and direction of American drama in our time. The goals of the contest are as follows: To uncover and identify new African-American plays addressing the African-American experience that are promising and producible; To encourage and aid playwrights in the development of promising scripts; To offer an opportunity for emerging and established playwrights of African-American descent to be exposed to Chicago's professional theater community through staged readings and/or fully mounted productions. For more information on the submission process, and prizes, please contact contest facilitator, Chuck Smith at 312.344.6136. Visit http://www2.colum.edu/undergraduate/theater/workshops.php.
Hello, I'd like to volunteer as a reader for these plays but I am uncertain as to who to contact. Could you please contact me via jasmine_s_ewing@yahoo.com.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your assistance
I'm tryin find Laura Middleton. She studied playwriting with Theodore Ward in 1975. She also worked with Sam Greenlee aroung that time and was active in community theater.Should you know of her where abouts please have her contact me. Myrna Bush myrnz34@aol.com. Thanks