Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Reading Series (NYC)

I have separated myself from the workings of the red harlem readers, and I have along with Aaron Joy, Summer Hill Seven, and Emmitt Thrower (Wabi Sabi Entertainment) started a new group called River View Players and we will be doing readings of plays, poems, films, dance, music and essays by a diverse group of artists in all those fields. We will be performing every Sunday beginning September 7th at Cafe Largo 137th Street and Broadway at 4 PM. Food for the mind body and spirit is provided by the ssociates who include Athena Colon, Arianna Aquino, Jamil Mangin, Ashley Robinson, Shanae Sharon, Meredith Pierce, Beth Griffith, Summer Hill Seven, Aaron Joy, Emmitt Thrower and Laurence Holder. Any inquiries, regarding pictures and resumes (actors), scripts, films, directors, and performing artists can be sent to Wabisabimail@

Cafe Largo known for its culinary excellence and ambience is hosting our presentations to unite the community in its diversity through its mutual cultural heritages. We will also outreach the community feel its pulse and through our art give it expression.

Thank you,
Laurence Holder

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