Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ohio State U wants to interview African American playwrights

I'm looking for playwrights willing to participate in the course offering below, which means you'd have to be willing to be interviewed by a graduate student about your work, etc. I'd be happy to answer any questions anybody might have.

Alan Woods
The Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute
The Ohio State University
1430 Lincoln Tower1800
Cannon Drive
Columbus, OH 43210
614 292-6614 office
614 688-8417 fax

THEATRE 802.07: Battling the Patriarchy: Defining Gender, Ethnicity and Identity in the Contemporary Theatre
G 5 Credits

Battling the Patriarchy: Defining gender, ethnicity and identity in the contemporary theatre.
The creation, definition, and reification of gender traits, archetypes, and stereotypes in contemporary theatre. Participants will explore the ways in which gender informs the work of current playwrights, and will work directly with selected writers represented in the archives of the International Center of Women Playwrights and the African American Playwrights Exchange in the Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute.
Selected playwrights have already agreed to participate but we are looking for more.

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