Thursday, December 17, 2009

Karamu House- Keeping the Spirit of Black Theater Alive (Cleveland)

As a native of Detroit and having spent a significant part of my adult life in Chicago, this writer has always had a love-hate relationship with the city of Cleveland, Ohio [you have to be a professional football fanatic to understand].

But Cleveland has been on a mission over the past 20 years, redeveloping its lakefront, encouraging businesses to relocate to its Great Lakes' shores and encouraging

a revitalization of the arts along with an influx of much-needed capital.

But what many readers may not know is that one of the beneficiaries of the positive changes in Cleveland has been a nondescript, old red brick building known to lovers of black theater as Karamu House , whose founding in 1915 makes it this country's oldest African-American theater.

To continue reading the December 2009 issue of GBM Magazines, please click the post's title.

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