Saturday, February 6, 2010

Michael Bradford's FATHER AND SONS 2/11-4/4 (Chicago)

[eta Creative Arts Foundation] MAINSTAGE SHOW
* Thursday 8:00PM and Sunday @7:00PM
"Fathers and Sons" Written by Michael Bradford
Directed by Kemati J. Porter

Fathers and Sons
Over the course of one fateful night, three generations of fathers and sons confront a lifetime of absence, mistrust, mistakes and broken
promises, all for the possibility and the hope of a new sunrise.
Featuring Dale Benton, Olivia Charles, Mark Howard and George C.

February 11 Thru April 4, 2010 Thurs - Sat., 8 pm; 3 & 7 pm
Sundays $30 (student, senior, group discounts) *"2 for1" based on the
$30 ticket only [Allstate] [jpmartin] eta Square
7558 S. South Chicago Avenue, Chicago

For more information, call eta at 773-752-3955 or visit
www.etacreativearts .org
http://r20.rs6. net/tn.jsp? t=wxbygidab. 0.0.qlxt7ecab. 0&ts=S0448& p=http%3\
A%2F%2Fwww.etacreat 2F&id=preview> Now in its 39th
season, eta Creative Arts Foundation seeks to be a major cultural
resource institution for the preservation, perpetuation and promulgation of the African American aesthetic in the City of Chicago, the State of
Illinois and the Nation. In a colloquial sense, "to tell our story in
the first voice".

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