Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Casting Call (NYC)


The Hyperion Theatre Project is casting Homecoming, a new play written and directed by Eugene Ashe. Rehearses May/June 2010, runs from June 8-13 at the Roy Arias Theater, in New York City.

Leslie: African-American female, mid to late 30’s, physically fit, pretty but not glamorous, LEAD;
Deena: African-American female, mid to late 30's, not overweight, but not skinny, outgoing, LEAD;
Young Leslie: African-American female, 18-20, strong modern dance skills required;
Hill: African-American male, mid to late 30’s, college professor, an intellectual… but not pompous, LEAD;
Robert: African-American male,18-20, handsome with a 1990’s hip-hop vibe; dreadlocks a plus.

Auditions will be held by appointment only April 20th and 21st. Email submissions only.
Please indicate which role you are submitting for in the subject header of the email.
Email pix and résumés to:
AEA Showcase (approval pending), Equity/Non Equity.

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