Monday, May 14, 2012

The Nashville Dramaturgy Project

Announcing the formal establishment of The Nashville Dramaturgy Project, May 12, 2012.

Divisions of The Nashville Dramaturgy Project are

SWT - The Southern Writers' Theatre - established 2002.
AAPEX - The African American Playwrights Exchange - established 2007
F.L.A.G. - The Foreign Language Acting Group - established 2009
STN - The Singers' Theatre of Nashville - to debut Feb. 2013

The Nashville Dramaturgy Project is also proud to be a partner of TEAM IRELAND.

The mission of The Nashville Dramaturgy Project is to explore the role of the dramaturg at the urban level.

Jaz Dorsey
Artistic Director
The Nashville Dramaturgy Project

1 comment:

  1. I'm inquiring about more information on the casting for the roles of Anne frank and Emmit Till for a reading of CONVERSATION AFTER A FUNERAL by Dr. Mary Weems. I can be contacted at
