Thursday, January 24, 2013

Theatre Critic Addison DeWitt joins The Clyde Fitch Report

Addison DeWitt

"Noted raconteur and dry wit Addison DeWitt" joins the Clyde Fitch Report as a contributor. His first post re the fiscal cliff awaiting Broadway's new shows is worth a read. Here's an excerpt:

"For example, a play with a double-Oscar-winning star will be “lucky” to have a third of what was expected in ticket sales by the time it opens. And an “incoming” show with both a “TV” star and an under-30 “movie” star — golly, I must remember to bring my autograph book to opening night — will have even less in the till. So what luck does a new play with just Broadway’s favorite ham have? None, apparently. Audiences seem to have no interest in paying $137, $99, $90 or any other absurd price (plus various charges) concocted by producers and managers for a product, regardless of the star, that reeks like last year’s steak special at Gallagher’s."

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