Thursday, August 1, 2013

Scott Carter's DISCORD, Thursday, 8/8 (a free reading in LA)

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There will be a free staged reading of Scott Carter's DISCORD August 8th at the Falcon Theatre. Carter is the Executive Producer of Real Time with Bill Maher

The life and work of Jesus of Nazareth is debated by three men almost as famous as he was. The trio -- all of whom produced their own versions of the gospels -- argue as if their souls depend on it. Because they do. This provocative and funny play is a fascinating insight into the spiritual lives of three of the most creative thinkers that ever lived.

Josh Clark as Thomas Jefferson
JD Cullum as Charles Dickens
Tony Amendola as Count Leo Tolstoy

Directed by Casey Stangl

After a short break, there will be a talk-back with the playwright. It will be moderated by "Zealot" author Reza Aslan

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