Thursday, October 10, 2013

Clinnesha D. Sibley's UPROOTED at Blackboard 10/14 (NYC)

What happens when long-separated siblings reunite after the death of a parent? When successful film actress Venus Kettle returns to Glee, Mississippi, to her mother's "home going," she is greeted by her sisters with a wide range of emotions.  After airing incidents of sexual abuse in her childhood home a few months prior to their mother’s death, Venus can’t escape the rippling effects of her confession or in this case, the “leaking” of family business. In the meantime, Uprooted explores abortion in a small Mississippi town during the 1980’s by way of the play’s deceased matriarch, who is known as a pillar in the community and nursing profession. This uneasy sibling reunion and the possibility of Venus's brother, who is incarcerated in a facility in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, coming home for the funeral forces the Kettle family to recall the incest issues stemming from their household.  Uprooted is moving tribute to the redemptive power of family.
Wine served. Reading followed by a 20-minute talk-back. Please buy tickets here.

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