Joy Jones
Why do you write plays?
I’m also co-producing a new web series called “Meat the Vegans” with the Eden Good show. “Meat The Vegans” is a reality show introducing meat-eaters to vegetarian food. Look for our launch in October, 2010.
Finally, I eventually plan to launch a blog expanding on the op-ed piece I wrote for The Washington Post, “Marriage is For White People.” I want to provide a forum for thoughtful, candid, out-of-the-box discussions on male-female relationships in the black community. If you want my newsletter, email me at joyjones100@cs.com.
Unlike a book or an article, where a writer is not a part of the reader’s direct experience, with a play, you get to see the audience’s reaction in real time, and without censorship. To watch them laugh at the parts you hoped were funny, and gasp at the twist in the plot you labored so hard to invent - what a pleasure! How exhilarating to see thoughts, feelings and situations so common to the human experience and yet so compelling, played out before your very eyes, in the company of others who have had the same thoughts and feelings, and have lived through similar situations! The immediacy and the intimacy I feel in the room and from the stage is such a thrilling energy. There’s no experience like it. I don’t understand how anybody could not like live theatre. It must be because they didn’t like a particular play, not the theatre experience itself.
What’s going on with Joy right now?
My play, ”Searching for a Signal” will be part of the inaugural DC Black Theatre Festival in August, 2010. If you’ve ever thought you had things under control, then - wham, now what? - life knocked you in a wholly different direction - then you’ve had a “Searching for a Signal” experience. The play is a set of monologues about how people respond to the unexpected and unwanted twists life dishes out.
I’m also co-producing a new web series called “Meat the Vegans” with the Eden Good show. “Meat The Vegans” is a reality show introducing meat-eaters to vegetarian food. Look for our launch in October, 2010.
An ongoing project is my work for The Spoken Word, my non-profit organization that uses the arts and culture to address issues in the community. Go to www.thespokenwordonline.org to learn about the Adult Double Dutch program, our creative writing workshops for mentally ill patients or to book the performance poetry group for a show.
Finally, I eventually plan to launch a blog expanding on the op-ed piece I wrote for The Washington Post, “Marriage is For White People.” I want to provide a forum for thoughtful, candid, out-of-the-box discussions on male-female relationships in the black community. If you want my newsletter, email me at joyjones100@cs.com.
What are your thoughts of theatre in DC?
My only wish regarding theater in DC is for more diverse writers to be given voice. Translation: I’m still hoping for one of my plays to get a production on a main stage in town. Everyone’s worry is that if you take a chance you won’t make money, and that’s a reasonable concern. But with a little innovation in the marketing, along with the traditional ways of getting buzz, I think I can deliver an audience and fill the house with paying customers. Keep in touch to see if I can do it.
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